Guides & Tutorials

Why Are My Friends So Quiet On Discord?

Are you having trouble hearing your friends speak on Discord? We look into why that might be and how to fix it.

We gamers hate having problems with Wi-Fi, in-game issues, and most of all, chat issues. Nobody likes it when you want to play some games with your friends after a long day working. You hit a brick wall as you can’t hear them for some unknown reason; this interferes with your gaming experience, but it doesn’t allow you to have quality time with your friends on Discord or maybe even family members you want to talk to on Discord. Discord should be an app where you can chat with your friends, family, co-workers, and more without any problems; however, this isn’t a perfect world, and you will most likely run into these kinds of difficulties sometime soon. So why not learn how to fix them in case they happen to you in the future.

Sometimes these problems might first seem complicated; however, they could have the simplest of solutions with the right amount of knowledge. By reading what we have to say about Discord Volume levels, you might learn a thing or be able to pass it onto others and stop this miserable experience of trying to fix things. 

We are here to try and show you some solutions to your problems as we believe nobody should have to suffer from these problems on Discord. 

What is Discord

Discord is a free voice application that is available for desktop and mobile devices. Mainly target a gaming audience; however, it can be used to link up with anybody. This means you can talk to friends, co-workers, bosses, and more. Discord has an easy-to-understand interface with group chats available for all and one on one calls as well; Discord is similar to its other counterparts like Skype or Team speak 3. 

Once you have become a Discord member, you can create your servers. You can invite people to join your servers through links; since you own the server, you have complete control of the server. Now you have made your server; this means you can make your own chats within the server, give specific authority to people in the server and make your own rules.

Why is my mic so quiet on Discord 

When searching for why you cannot hear your friend’s microphone on discord, you might stumble upon the possibility that the problem is more to do with them rather than you. Now, this could be because of their volume settings and how they have chosen to configure their microphone. 

People often don’t know how to change their audio settings and plug their microphones in and hope for the best, which doesn’t always work. It is good to make sure everything is in the correct settings; to check this; you will have to open up the Discord application on your pc or mobile device. Once you have done this, you will want to look down in the app’s bottom left corner.  Here you will find three different symbols next to your name on discord. The symbols will resemble a microphone, headphones, and finally, a COG. You will want to click on the COG symbol, which should be the last one out of the three to pick from. Now that you are on the settings page of discord, this is where you will start to change some of the settings. 

On the left of the settings page, a navbar should appear; this navbar will have a list of things you can click on and change; we are looking through that list to try and find the title “Voice and Video.” to make things easier, it should be under the unclickable title named “App settings.”

Now that you have managed to find your way to Voice and Video settings, we will now go through what settings you should have. Your input device at the top of the page should be your microphone or headset, and you can also use laptop or phone speakers.  You will want to click the down arrow on input devices and make sure it is your microphone that is connected and not some other device or default.  Now that you have your microphone connected to the input device, you can change the volume output with the volume meter below the input device selection. This will adjust your voice volume for other people meaning it will show you how loud or quiet you are, and It is good to check how loud you are by using the mic test that discord has provided below the input volume.

Another problem could be that your input mode and input sensitivity are in a setting that doesn’t allow you to talk or be as loud as you want to be. Once again, you will want to go to settings and find voice and video settings.  You will want to go below the mic test on voice and video settings and make sure you’re in the correct input mode. The two input modes provided are Voice activity and Push to talk. Voice activity allows your voice to be reached by others by you simple talking; however, push to talk means you will have to push a button and then talk while holding that button down; if you want push to talk, you can assign a specific key on your keyboard at any time by clicking on the push to talk option.

Input sensitivity will determine how sensitive your microphone is.  You will want to find an excellent fresh hold where the microphone won’t hear you breathing down the mic and not hear you talk casually. To test this out below the input mode, you will find Input sensitivity; the input sensitivity bar can be adjusted, and while you’re adjusting it, you should speak into the mic. You speak into the mic because another dark bar will go over the top of it and constantly be moving on the bar. When not talking, this bar shouldn’t go past the meter threshold you have set; however, it should go past it whenever you talk. You must get this right as people won’t be able to hear you if it’s not changed, or people might be able to hear you too much, so much where they can hear your breath and nobody wants a hurricane down the headphones or speaker when talking to you. 

Why are my Headphones so quiet? 

A few questions could be going through your head when you wonder why your friends are quiet on discord. It could be an elementary mistake on your end where they aren’t the ones being quiet, and it could be your headset volume levels that make you think they are quiet. This is all possible, so why not check it out.

Just like what we talked about for why your microphone is so quiet, you will want to head over to the same place in the settings. If you didn’t read why your microphone is so quiet, we will go through it again to tell you where to go. So, if you have already read why your microphone is quiet, you can skip this next paragraph as you already know what to do.  

You will have to open up the Discord application on your pc or mobile device. Once you have done this, you will want to look down in the app’s bottom left corner.  Here you will find three different symbols next to your name on discord. The symbols will resemble a microphone, headphones, and finally, a COG. You will want to click on the COG symbol the same way you did to find your microphone settings, which should be the last one out of the three to pick from. Now that you are on the settings page of discord, this is where you will start to change some of the settings. On the left of the settings page, a navbar should appear; this navbar will have a list of things you can click on and change; we are looking through that list to try and find the title “Voice and Video.” to make things easier, it should be under the unclickable title named “App settings.”

Now that you’re on voice and video settings, you will want to find Output Device at the very top of the page. You will want the correct speakers to be on; if you’re using a headset, you will want the same input device and output device; this means you can hear people talk and talk to them. However, if you decide to use a separate speaker for your microphone, they will be named different things. Below the output device, you will find the speaker volume level; this can be adjusted and tested with the mic test. 

If this doesn’t work because the game sound might be too loud, it can also be adjusted in discord settings on the voice and video settings. Just scroll down, and you will find an attenuation bar. This bar will allow you to lower the volume of other applications when someone is speaking, and you can adjust this to however you see fit. You can turn on the options below it to affect when you speak and when others speak. 

How to turn up the microphone on Discord  

We might have touched upon this topic earlier when finding out why your microphone is quiet section; however, we will go through it again if this is all you’re looking for. To turn up your microphone, you might have multiple options, but you will only have one on discord. You can change your microphone settings and speaker settings in your actual settings on your device, not just the applications; however, you will have to go to the settings and find “Voice and Video” on discord. Once you’re on “Voice and Video” at the top left underneath “Input Devices,” you will find “Input Volume,” and here you will be able to change your mic volume and adjust it to however you see fit. This can all be tested on the mic test below the “Input volume.”  

How to turn friends up on Discord

We might have touched upon this topic earlier when finding out why your Headphones are quiet section; however, we will go through it again if this is all you’re looking for. To turn up your headphones or speakers, you will have multiple options on your device, but you will only have one on discord. You can change your microphone settings and speaker settings in your actual settings on your device, not just the applications; however, you will have to go to the settings and find “Voice and Video” on discord. Once you’re on “Voice and Video” at the top right underneath “Output devices,” you will find “Output Volume,” and here you will be able to change your mic volume and adjust it to however you see fit. This can all be tested on the mic test below the “Input Volume” that can be found on the left-hand side next to “Output Volume.”


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