Write For Us

We’re always on the lookout for fellow nerds. We love an engaging piece of content and there’s no way we can test every product, play every game or keep up to date with all the new latest PC parts.

So we need your help.

We’re actively looking for people to contribute to So Nerdy.


Our Guidelines

As I’m sure, or I hope I’m sure, if you’ve read through our blog you should know that everything we publish is high quality and well researched. We need to ensure that it stays that way, or our audience won’t be interested.

So if you’re looking to post on So-Nerdy.com then there are a couple of guidelines that you need to follow:

  • Posts must be well written, completely unique & demonstrate a good level of research
  • All posts need to be 1,000+ words, why you ask? Because I can’t think of an interesting topic you’ll be able to cover well in less
  • The ideas must be unique, we’re not looking for the 5 best video games of 2020, anyone can write about that
  • The article must fit in with the rest of the blog and the topics we already cover
  • Finally, have fun with it, be creative! We don’t take ourselves too seriously, as you can probably tell by the tone of voice

But wait, what’s in it for me?

Fame, fortune, notoriety, well not quite.

We do have a decent following though & we’d be more than happy to add an author biography and picture at the end of the post to credit you.

As long as it’s relevant, we’ll also include links to various resources within the blog, so you might have the chance to promote your own project.

Interested? Get In Touch

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